Do what you Love and Love what you Do.

I am so blessed to have known from a very early age that hair was my passion. I'd say it was probably after my first Barbie's real haircut that I was hooked! Right out of high school I attended beauty school where I received great training, but knew I wanted more. In 2007, after becoming licensed, I was given the wonderful opportunity of assisting one of the top stylists at Éli Alexander Salon and was able to obtain some of the best training. I have been fortunate to be able to continue to learn and work beside some of the best!

When I am not doing hair you can pretty much catch me at a concert, movie, eating sushi, reading a book or shopping with my friends.

At the end of the day, I love being able to make my clients feel happy and beautiful!!



Thursday to Saturday


Blow-Dry . 50

Women's Haircut . 75

Color & Blow-Dry . 115

Color & Haircut . 135

Partial Weave & Blow-Dry . 135

Partial Weave & Haircut. 155

Full Weave & Blow-Dry. 155

Full Weave & Haircut . 185

Weave, Color & Blow-Dry . 150

Weave, Color & Haircut . 170

Keratine Straightening 215+ 

Men's Haircut . 45

                                                                                                                      Please call to make an appointment
